Armenian calendar

The Armenian calendar begins on 11 July 552 (Julian) and has two modes of reckoning. The first is the invariant-length version consisting of 12 months of 30 days each and five epagomenal days; the second is the version established by Yovhannes Sarkawag in 1084, which fixed the first day of the year with respect to the Julian calendar and added a sixth epagomenal day every four years.

By default the invariant calendar is used, but the Sarkawag calendar can be used beginning with the Armenian year 533 (11 August 1084) by passing the parameter method='sarkawag' to the relevant functions.

convertdate.armenian.format(year, month, day, lang=None)

Convert an Armenian date into a string with the format DD MONTH YYYY.

convertdate.armenian.from_gregorian(year, month, day, method=None)
convertdate.armenian.from_jd(jd, method=None)

Convert a Julian day count to an Armenian date. Use the method of Sarkawag if requested.

convertdate.armenian.from_julian(year, month, day, method=None)

Return true if the year was a leap year under the system of Sarkawag

convertdate.armenian.month_length(year, month, method=None)
convertdate.armenian.monthcalendar(year, month, method=None)
convertdate.armenian.to_gregorian(year, month, day, method=None)
convertdate.armenian.to_jd(year, month, day, method=None)

Convert Armenian date to Julian day count. Use the method of Sarkawag if requested.

convertdate.armenian.to_julian(year, month, day, method=None)
convertdate.armenian.tostring(year, month, day, lang=None)

Kept for backwards compatibility, the format function name will be standard across the library