Positivist Calendar

Convert between Gregorian/Julian Day and Comte’s Positivist calendar. The Positivist calendar has 13 months and one or two festival days. Festival days are given as the fourteenth month. The Gregorian date 1789-01-01 is Positivist 0001-01-01.

convertdate.positivist.dayname(year, month, day)

Give the name of the month and day for a given date.


tuple month_name, day_name

convertdate.positivist.festival(month, day)

Gives the festival day for a month and day. Returns None if inapplicable.

convertdate.positivist.from_gregorian(year, month, day)

Convert a Julian day count to Positivist date.

convertdate.positivist.legal_date(year, month, day)

Checks if a given date is a legal positivist date

convertdate.positivist.to_gregorian(year, month, day)
convertdate.positivist.to_jd(year, month, day)

Convert a Positivist date to Julian day count.


Gives the weekday (0=Monday) of a positivist month and day. Note that the festival month does not have a day.