Hebrew calendar


Test for delay of start of the ecclesiastical new year to avoid improper weekdays for holidays.


Check for delay in start of the ecclesiastical new year due to length of adjacent years

convertdate.hebrew.format(year, month, day, lang=None)

Convert a Hebrew date into a string with the format DD MONTH YYYY.

convertdate.hebrew.from_gregorian(year, month, day)
convertdate.hebrew.month_days(year, month)

How many days are in a given month of a given year

convertdate.hebrew.monthcalendar(year, month)
convertdate.hebrew.to_civil(year, month, day)

Convert a date in the ecclestical calendar (year starts in Nisan) to the civil calendar (year starts in Tishrei).

convertdate.hebrew.to_gregorian(year, month, day)
convertdate.hebrew.to_jd(year, month, day)
convertdate.hebrew.to_jd_gregorianyear(gregorianyear, hebrew_month, hebrew_day)

Returns the Gregorian date when a given Hebrew month and year within a given Gregorian year.


How many days are in a Hebrew year ?


How many months are there in a Hebrew year (12 = normal, 13 = leap)